Did you know that Lamborghini once named its roadster Murciélago, the Spanish word for the flying nocturnal mammal, the bat? Bats are both mysterious and magical. In this class, you will learn about the fascinating life cycle of bats and why bats are so important to the environment. Most importantly, you will get to meet three different species of live bats that have been rescued and cared for by teacher Corky Quirk, founder of Norcal Bats in Davis, CA.
This class is appropriate for all ages. Your registration for this class automatically registers you for October Second Saturday. Click here for more information about our October Second Saturday event.
Presenter Bio
Corky Quirk is the founder of NorCal Bats, an organization that provides care for injured bats and educational programs for libraries, school, nature programs, fairs and other events throughout the region. Corky has been working intensely with native bats since 2004 and has educated thousands of people. She works with injured and orphaned bats, returning them to the wild and keeps a captive colony of non-releasable bats for use in education.
She is permitted through the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife and the USDA. Corky also is responsible for maintaining www.norcalbats.org
She is also an experienced environmental educator who got her start with Camp Fire Boys and Girls. She has an undergraduate degree in natural resource planning and interpretation from Humboldt State University. She teaches three days a week at Yolo Basin Foundation, a wetland education program in the Sacramento Valley, in addition to her work with bats.
Adults $5. Family tickets available $10, which includes 2 adults and up to 5 children. Registration for this event will be handled through EventBrite.